Now, more than ever, safety is crucial both inside and outside the workplace, which is why the National Safety Council (NSC) is recognizing National Safety Month® in June despite the pandemic crisis.

Observed annually by NSC, the nation’s leading nonprofit safety advocate, National Safety Month focuses on saving lives and preventing injuries, from the workplace to anyplace. The NSC offers many tips on how to stay safe and how to manage safety during these challenging times.

Guidance for Employers: COVID-19 and the Workplace

Cases of coronavirus, or COVID-19, have surpassed 9 million worldwide, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, with more than 2.2 million cases in the United States.

The NSC publishes COVID-19 data on Injury Facts® and uses and interactive map to track cases in the United States. Filters allow you to view total cases, new cases, rates per 100,000 population, confirmed cases, deaths, and state-specific trends. Find the Tracker HERE.

To read or learn more about NSC and work safety standards, click HERE.


Accept the Things You Cannot Change


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