Washington State Convention Center

As of November 17, 2022, all contract work at the Convention Center is completed! 1,190 SQS of American Hydrotech Hot Rubber was installed on the 8th floor South Terrace, 1,592 SQS of 2-ply Soprema SBS on multiple decks from the 4th level to the 14th level, as well as 100+ SQS of Alsan RS PMMA on multiple roofs and 740+ SQS of EPDM for temporary roofing on the adjacent building podium levels. We utilized ILD to quality check both the “Ball Room” Soprema SBS roof assembly as well as all of the American Hydrotech reinforced hot rubber. Thanks and acknowledgment to Dave Wetherbee, Chuck Richmond, Joe Iriarte, Tim Carnicle, Dan Powers, Bill Knight, Rich Moore, Justin Maples and crews!

 The addition broke ground in 2018 and was originally slated to open in 2020. Delays were caused by the pandemic and the recent concrete strike, although work did continue throughout both. We installed roofing and waterproofing systems year-round in ever-changing conditions.

Aaron Leonard

Wayne’s Roofing, Inc.